Introduction to Transverse STR

TSTR’s main focus is to improve your treatment results while being integrated seamlessly into your massage, producing a treatment that will put a smile back on your client’s face.

TSTR works by improving the tissue environment without causing undue stress. I have heard multiple times how painful this technique can be from clients and therapists alike. Whilst it is a strong technique, it should not include pain! It should instead feel like the tissue is being given a good stretch without being beaten up!

These short, demo videos will give you a concise preview into the workings of this technique. It will provide enough information for you to explore this technique on your own. 

If you’re intrigued to learn more, you can find further information about my online (with 70+ videos) + a one-day face to face practical workshop here.   

Check out the foundation videos below!

What's included in this series?

1. An Introduction to TSTR

A comprehensive start which will lay the foundation of your understanding. Don’t be fooled by the shortness of this video, it is packed with information that will get you going. 

Approx run time. 9 minutes.

2. Demonstration of TSTR Techniques 

Get the principles of application right and you will be able to apply it to most areas of the body. This section will arm you with valuable methods that will make your touch effective. 

Approx run time. 6 minutes. 

3. The Principles of TSTR Application

The principles of application will help you to find the right depth that will produce the most effective connection.

Approx run time. 5 minutes. 

4. Simplifying Your Techniques with TSTR  

You do not have to be strong, the key in achieving an effective touch is in the understanding of the mechanics, this is when simplicity is best. 

Approx run time. 3 minutes. 

Included with your rental

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by Susan Findlay